Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking—welcome aboard a flight of erotic fancy with our latest Amateur, Sidney Sebold. With black hair, blue eyes and a pair of impossibly full lips, Sidney comes to us from Las Vegas, Nevada, where she works as a model and dancer. “I’ve done a lot of different modeling work, but I’ve always felt that glamour modeling was where I belonged,” says Sidney. “I excel at being sexy. That’s the way I feel most comfortable.” Removing a pair of aviators, Sidney bats her long, thick eyelashes and unbuttons her top—before you know it, she’s got nothing on but her pilot’s hat, and that leaves very, very little to the imagination. Everything about Sidney is exaggerated, and she really couldn’t be any sexier. “I really love my eyes, lips and ass,” says Sidney. “Having big lips and a big ass is just so hot. Talk about double trouble!” Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride with Captain Sidney Sebold, right here on Playboy Plus.






























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